Pepper stays firm despite blips in buying

INTERNATIONAL pepper prices have shown a continued firm undertone in recent weeks despite a decline in European buying activity of late. The trader observed that the global pipeline was becoming empty, citing estimates that Vietnam has already shipped out some 40% to 50% of its total crop and carryover availability…READ MORE

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Buying lull drags pepper lower

In export terms, this had meant gains of some $600 to $700 a tonne. However, over the last two weeks to Monday, April 19, prices had eased back, putting Vietnamese black pepper at dong50,000 ($2.60) per kg…READ MORE

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Buying lull drags global pepper prices lower

Vietnam exported some 28,000 tonnes of pepper over the first three months of this year and is expected to ship 12,000 to 15,000 tonnes this month, giving total sales of 40,000 to 43,000 tonnes for the January to April 2010 period…READ MORE

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Pepper trade sees more upheaval

The advent of Vietnam as a major player in the pepper arena has meant that the quality and quantum of the crop in that country will have a direct effect on global prices. Vietnam today contributes 120,000 tonnes, or nearly 43%, of the aggregate global black pepper output of 279,500 tonnes. When there was partial […]

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Buying lull eases prices ahead of Vietnam’s pepper crop

INTERNATIONAL pepper prices have shown a weaker tendency of late due to slack buying interest and the imminent arrival of Vietnamese new crop material. Vietnam has become the key supplier at the moment as rival origins are mostly sold out or very low on stocks. It had been anticipated that Vietnam would have run out […]

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Vietnam forecasts upturn in pepper sales

VIETNAM is on track for a sharp rise in pepper exports this year due to higher output, hefty carryover stocks and a substantial gain in imports. Vietnam’s domestic consumption for both 2008 and 2009 is put at around 3,500 tonnes…READ MORE

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Dearth of stocks underpins pepper values

There is a new crop in Vietnam coming to the market in January or February, so we will wait and if we need anything we will buy spot. Spot prices generally will be prone to regular upward pressure…READ MORE

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World pepper shortage continues to bite

INTERNATIONAL black pepper prices have shown further gains of late as the increasingly tight global stocks situation takes its toll on the market. Vietnamese prices have held relatively steady, hovering around 5% down from the earlier highs…READ MORE

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Pepper pipeline perilously close to empty

INTERNATIONAL pepper prices have surged over recent weeks and look set for strong upward pressure this month as global stocks become drastically short. Vietnam is still the key player especially at the moment as it is the main origin with stocks. But the speculation is that prior to its new crop around February/March (2010)…READ MORE

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